Monday, December 17, 2007

Conference dates and venue confirmed!

Hot on the heels of news about the website - we have fantastic news regarding the conference!

I'm absolutely delighted to now confirm the dates and venue for the 2008 Arlis/ANZ conference: "Cultural Connections: MySpace is an ArtSpace"

Dates: Thurs/Fri, 9th and 10th of October 2008 (plus an optional Saturday morning event)
Venue: Queensland State Library

Registrations and a call for papers will open early in the new year.

Minimal details are listed on the current Arlis/ANZ website, including contact details for enquiries, but basically, we are hoping to advertise and manage the conference through the new Arlis/ANZ website - due for full implementation early in the new year.

So stay tuned! The new year promises to be full of exciting developments on both fronts!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Website is go!

Hello all - my apologies for the span of time between the last update and this.

In my last entry I promised a view of various website designs for your perusal - well, things moved more swiftly than we could have anticipated, and in the end the Arlis/ANZ Web Team had to fit in with the assessment schedule and needs of the student teams working on our project. This meant that we were not able to provide snapshots of the competing designs for your perusal and feedback.

Three student teams worked on our project, each offering a solution with various strengths and features. The Arlis/ANZ Web team assessed the solutions in terms of design, functionality and fit for our needs, during a formal presentation at the end of the project. We were closely involved all throughout the development process, so had a solid understanding of which sites were meeting our needs as the project progressed, and we also sought advice from the industry professionals supervising the students.

There was a clear winner! And you can see a functional prototype of the winning design here:

The students have already won awards for their work on our site, and have been getting more work from it. Everyone is thrilled with the outcome!

Now then, if you look at the site, be aware that some content and functionality is not yet finalised on this prototype. For instance, you'll notice that some of the member profiles are mock-ups, and that some of the functions, such as online payments, are not yet 'turned on'.

The Arlis/ANZ Executive has endorsed the design for implementation, and the Web Team are now moving steadily toward that goal.

We will be working with the students during December and January to complete the site and prepare it for implementation - ready to advertise the 2008 conference!!


Friday, October 12, 2007

Over 30 graphic designs already! Website redevelopment update.

Hi Arlis/ANZ Members

Here is the latest news regarding the website redevelopment project.

Initially the Arlis/ANZ Web Team (Kelly McKeon, Luisa Rossitto and myself) were the main stakeholders managing the project. However, in recent weeks we have brought Cheryl Stevens (National Secretary), Pamela Martin (National Treasurer) and Bill Hood (journal Editor) on board, as we quickly realised that the student teams were asking detailed questions regarding communication, record keeping, membership documentation, financials and payments, and production of the journal, that we just couldn't answer fully on our own. It is very possible that the group may expand again to include more key stakeholders - as the project progresses and we learn more about what is involved.

Hopefully in a few days we'll be able to show you some of the website designs that the student teams have come up with, and get your feedback - a sort of 'Arlis Idol' where you can vote on your favourite design!

Until then, I can report that what we have seen from the students so far has been spectacular!

There are three student Teams working on our website redesign.

To date we have seen two site prototypes, and have login access to one, so that we can try out the site structure and test functionality. We've also seen in excess of 30 possible graphic designs! and expect to see even more in the next week.

So that the students can get on with the job and meet their assessment requirements, we are making some initial decisions on preferred designs and site structure. However, after the students complete the requirements of their unit, there will be time and space for us to take a breath, and check where we're at before making any further decisions on final design options or possible implementation.

Of course, we welcome feedback, comments or questions from any Arlis/ANZ member or position holder at any time. And if you would like to be more involved, or know of a key stakeholder whom we should be including in the process - please get in touch. Just contact either Kelly, Luisa or myself.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hello Arlis/ANZ members, and hello September.

Where has the year gone?

Here's the latest news from Arlis/ANZ:


I have just added this, our Blog, to a listing of library blogs from around the world - discovered by Kelly McKeon, our Web Manager. Take a look and see how we meaure up!

ALIA is there with their blog, and I must say, I think we shape up well and are in very good company.

Blogs certainly are a quick and cheerful way to stay in touch with colleagues and disseminate info, and I know many of our members use them. Kelly blogs for the National Art School and one of our newest Arlis/ANZ members - Peta Kruse in Darwin - has recently created a blog to keep in touch with her burgeoning discipline area and client base.

I'd certainly encourage Chapters of Arlis/ANZ to consider blogging as a way of keeping in touch, not only within the Chapters but also with the wider membership. If any Chapters are already blogging or plan to set one up - let Kelly know the URL of your blog and she'll arrange for it to be linked from the Arlis/ANZ website.

Same goes for wikis. If any Chapters are using wikis to organise your business and document your activities, Kelly would be happy to link them from the Website. QLD and NSW are already there......

Website Redevelopment Project: Update

The QUT students involved on our Website Redevelopment Project are all absolutely delighted to be working with our site, and are really, truly engaging with the task on all levels. They're even reading this blog! Luisa Rossitto (Arlis/ANZ Web Editor ) and I have had some initial meetings with the students, and we expect to see the first mock up of page, structure and graphic design work by next week.

Luisa is currently working hard to update out-of-date content on the site as per instructions from Kelly, so that the students are working with the most current information on our pages. Expect to see some changes to content over the next few days.

The students are also looking at ways to incorporate blogging, wiki and forum technology into the Arlis/ANZ site itself, so that eventually we don't have to hang third-party freeware off the site, and can communicate with each other and our Chapter colleagues from within our 'home'. The only way is up, in terms of the functionality we can expect from our future Arlis/ANZ site.

And of course, hiding in the background of all this is the future Arlis/ANZ conference site - which the QLD chapter will get going in coordination with the Website redevelopment Project. So all in all, Arlis/ANZ is pretty busy on the virtual front.


Bill Hood, our journal Editor, is also in the Website Redevelopment loop as a key stakeholder. There are fantastic opportunities offered by the Website project, such as digitising the journal and revamping it's look and feel with new graphics to match the site - and the Web Team realised it was important that we involved him as soon as possible.

With Bill's input to help us coordinate the print and online 'branding' of Arlis/ANZ, we're hoping to have proposals for a fresh, new look for the journal ready for your comment before the end of the year - so stay tuned.

Feedback from members

Remember, if there is anything at all that you'd like to know regarding this work, anything you feel should be explained in more detail to the membership, or any comments you wish to make - please either leave a comment here on the blog, or contact myself or Kelly by email, or post to the Arlis/ANZ email list for open discussion. We're always happy to hear from you, and delighted to respond to questions and suggestions.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Website Project Update

You'll remember that the Arlis/ANZ website will be undergoing redevelopment during 2007/08.

Well, a few weeks ago Communication Design students in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT started looking at the Arlis/ANZ website, as part of a real-world learning experience in one of their web design units.

The students work in teams, combining their individual skills to come up with web design solutions that match their client's brief - Arlis/ANZ's brief.

The briefing document the students are working from was drawn up by Arlis/ANZ Web Manager Kelly McKeon and the Arlis/ANZ Web Team (Luisa Rossitto and myself), and covers eveything from practical enhancements through to a wish list of web 2.0 functionality.

At the end of the semester, the teams will present their unique solutions for the redevelopment of the Arlis/ANZ website. These solutions might be whole-of-site designs and recommendations, or may focus on particular aspects, such as structure, graphics or content management solutuons.

The designs and recommendations we like, we implement!

So stay tuned in the coming months for an exciting 'show and tell' when the students present their designs!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fantastic news about the next Conference!

Hi all - it's been a while since I last blogged news from the Arlis/ANZ Executive - but I have some great news hot of the press!

We have a conference date for 2008!

Mark you diaries for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of October 2008 for some conference fun in the glorious sunshine of a Brisbane spring. That's a Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

We are still finalising where, but are looking to take advantage of some of the wonderful cultural and educational institutions along the Brisbane river - more info will be realsed when we have secured venues.

As for a name, we have a working title: Cultural Connections: MySpace is an ArtSpace

The Queensland members are very excited about all the ideas this theme encapsulates. We feel we can build an exciting, innovative and attractive conference programme around this theme which will reflect the dynamic and forward-thinking society that is Arlis/ANZ.

For instance, some of the sub-themes we discussed revolved around ideas such as:
  • the role of arts libraries and information services in connecting people with cultures and cultural expression
  • the varied forms cultural and artistic expression might be taking in this new, technology-rich millennium
  • the collection, preservation and appropriate management of and access to cultural artifacts and documents from indigenous creative and cultural traditions
  • The role of arts libraries and information services in enabling appropiate connections between indigenous and non-indigenous cultural and creative traditions
  • the connections and interrelationships between the creative disciplines - connections which blur the traditional divisions between visual, kinetic, performing and computational creative arts sectors - and what this means for the information services which support them
  • social networking and corresponding technologies as cultural phenomena
    the use of new social technologies in cultural production, and what that means for arts libraries in terms of collecting, preserving and enabling access to digitally and collaboratively produced creative content
  • and the use of new social technologies within the arts libraries and information sector itself and what that means for our members and our future

These are just a few ideas that spring to mind, and of course, there's lots more work yet to be done before a draft conference programme will be ready. The Queensland Chapter will be working on the conference programme and conference website during the next few months, with a call for papers due out either late 2007 or early 2008 - so stay tuned.

Any suggestions or comments about the conference title, or ideas for the programme are most welcome and you can get in touch either with the Coordinator of the Conference Programme, Alice Steiner or just leave a comment to this post.


Monday, May 7, 2007

Hello from North America!

Hi Arlis/ANZ members

I was pleasantly surprised today to receive email notification that a member of the art library students and Arlis/NA new professionals group had left a comment on the blog!

Sara, of ArlisNAP: left a quick comment about how useful blogging has been for their group communication and discussion. Check out her comment here:

And if course, it immediately prompted me to check out the ArlisNAP site to see what they were doing - what they were talking about, how they were using technology to communicate, how they structured their website etc. I'm going to return the favour and join their blog, to be a part of their discussions too!

And of course, it all reminded me to get back on to the Arlis/NA site itself for another look at how they do things there.

I think we could learn a lot from the Arlis/NA and ArlisNAP websites and the groups themselves.

The Arlis/NA site is very well developed and a great example. I think we could borrow a lot of great ideas for when we begin the review of our own webiste. And the ArlisNAP group reminds me that we have a lot of librarianship students and new professionals in Australia who may be interested in learning more about arts librarianship and perhaps becoming involved in Arlis/ANZ itself.

Our conference next year would be a great opportunity to raise awareness and involve the next generation of librarians, so I'll take back the idea to the Queensland Chapter conference organising group to see if we can work something into the programme.

I'd welcome you comments and ideas - feel free to post comments to this blog, and I'll feed them into the conference planning activities of the Queensland Chapter. If you want to know more about the conference planning activities as they evolve, take a look at the conference planning pages of our wiki:


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Latest on technology developments

Hi Arlis/ANZ

This week on the blog: 10th April 2007

I thought you might like to know some recent, very recent (as in, like, today) experiments with, and applications of, technologies that are being adopted amongst the Arlis/ANZ membership.

The QLD and NSW wikis continue to evolve. NSW are posting their meeting minutes to their wiki, and the QLDers are posting their meeting agendas and preparing a conference organising space, on theirs.

Today, for my part, I created a Yahoo7 Group space for the QLD membership - a space where we can throw around ideas and discuss issues etc, without having to meet, and without the linear restrictions of email. It's linked from the QLD Chapter wiki - so feel free to take a look:

I am currently a member of distributed a research student cohort which meets in this same virtual environment, I've been part of the virtual discussion for only a few weeks - and already the possibilities on offer have amazed and excited me! I can see such clear advantages to the operations of Arlis/ANZ.

So if all goes well, the Arlis/ANZ Executive might experiment with this same technology. It should enable us to conduct rich and timely virtual discussions, and enhance the Executive's ability to commmunicate in a fluid and dynamic manner.

Stay tuned for developments..... feel free to post a comment to the blog!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Welcome to my first posting to the new "Arlis/ANZ President's blog"

I'm hoping that this will be a quick, simple way for me to communicate with the Arlis/ANZ community.

By posting to the blog and replying to posts, I invite you to join me in throwing around ideas; participating in decision making and generally getting involved in discussions with other Arlis members from around Australia and New Zealand, about the issues which matter to us.

It's intended that the blog will complement our existing communication mechanisms, such as the Discussion List and chapter email lists, and provide an interactive forum for people to post comments and feedback. It's an experimental thing - so we'll see how it goes!

All you need is a free Google Account to post comments on this blog - so go to Google, sign up, and post a comment - let me know what you think!
